Claybright Underglaze
Claybright is a high-quality decorating paint for ceramic artists. It is designed and made by potters and has, over time, been adapted to meet the needs of New Zealand ceramic decorators. Claybright underglazes can be used at temperatures between 1000C and 1300C but care should be taken to verify compatibility with your studio processes. It is packaged in 75ml, 200ml and 1000ml recyclable plastic jars.
Claybright underglazes are supplied in the form of a thixotropic gel which enhances its shelf-life. It will become fluid, even watery, when shaken or swirled with a brush but returns to the gel state on standing. Claybright has excellent brushing qualities. It does not readily drip off the brush. It spreads well across raw clay and bisque surfaces and it dries to a well bound state to prevent dusting or smudging when handled.
Claybright underglazes may be thinned with tiny additions of water (a few drops) if needed. If a small amount is poured onto a surface (such as a saucer) and agitated with the hairs of the decorating brush it develops a fluid state enabling long brush strokes. Dipping the brush into the jar, even if shaken is not recommended.
Claybright may be covered with a clear glaze (we recommend Abbots Clear) or left unglazed. Unglazed paint can develop a range of surface characters depending on the clay body, the colouring pigment used and the firing temperature. Surface effects from matte through satin to glossy can be achieved with practice. Remember, these may vary from colour to colour on the same piece.
If Claybright is applied to bisque, no hardening fire is required or recommended. Simply allow the paint to dry thoroughly (eg overnight) and glaze with your favorite clear glaze.
If Claybright is applied directly to raw clay the bisque firing should be no higher than 900C to prevent loss of porosity of the painted surface.
Claybright Underglaze will give a range of effects and intensities depending on application thickness. Thinner applications (eg from a single stroke/layer) will give translucent ‘watercolour-like’ effects. Thicker applications from say 3 coats or more will produce bold solid colour. You will soon become accustomed to how much underglaze to apply for the effects that you wish to achieve.
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